Jan Taplin

Jan Taplin, D.C: Former Licensed Social Worker; co-owner, A+ Elder Care Assistance

Monday, March 17, 2025,

2:30 pm-3:30 pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room  and Zoom


Many people express a desire to remain at home as they age.  But they have serious questions they need answered from informed individuals about the costs of help in the home and what resources are available if their funds are limited.  What kinds of assistance will they need to start with, how might those needs increase with time, and might some of that help need to be skilled nursing care?  Is their home set in such a way that it is not only safe but manageable if they have disabilities?  These questions can be daunting, but with advance planning and the guidance of people like Jan Taplin, there are often ways to make this work.  Join us as we discuss innovative ways to avoid moving out of your home.

You can connect to Zoom either by using the following URL: https://zoom.us/j/95456511620?pwd=OC9GcnJRNmJpMTdXdXFhaUpCUkx4QT09 or by opening a browser to zoom.com/join and typing in Meeting ID: 954 5651 1620 and Passcode: 85747 

Mar 17: “Gain Independence and Age with Grace with In-Home Assistance”