Dr. Laura Ann Miller: Professor of Mathematics and Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arizona
Monday, January 27, 2025,
2:30pm – 3:30pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
Whether you’re a horse enthusiast or simply curious about the history of the horse-human relationship, this presentation will provide new insights into the science of horse movement. Laura Miller will highlight the millennia-old partnership between horses and humans and how it has influenced history, science, and technology.

She’ll explain the evolution and science behind horse movement, highlighting its impact on society, especially the selective breeding of horses for a specific task such as power for draft horses and speed for thoroughbred racehorses. Modern tools, including high-speed video and inertial measurement units, allow the analysis of gaits, identification of lameness, and measurement of gait asymmetries in off-the-track Tho roughbreds. This research evaluates how interventions such as classical dressage training and bodywork improve movement, symmetry, and stress. Studying the mechanics of equine movement as well as the dynamics of horse-human interactions can inspire innovations and education in robotics and new STEM opportunities.
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