Jim Knoll

Jim Knoll: Tucson Stargazing Adventures Director, Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association

Wednesday, October 9, 2024,

2:30pm – 3:30pm,

ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom



If you appreciate the beauty of Tucson’s night sky but haven’t had an opportunity to learn more about how to stargaze and with which equipment to gaze, here is an opportunity to engage with a local organization of knowledgeable people. Jim Knoll will explain the history of the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association, how it benefits its members, and the fantastic and extensive outreach it provides to the community and southern Arizona. He’ll also highlight the beautiful night skies we have in Southern Arizona that are not visible to many around the country. At the conclusion of the presentation, Jim will provide a solar telescope to view our own amazing star, the Sun.

Jim Knoll is a retired Air Force Officer with 33 years in the Department of Defense. He has lived here in Tucson since 1999. Shortly after moving to Tucson, Jim began his current incredible hobby in astronomy and has held many positions in the association including the manager of the School and Public Outreach Program and manager for Tucson Stargazing Adventures which provides astronomy education and outreach to private events and resorts around Southern Arizona. Jim is also a volunteer docent at Agua Caliente Park in northeast Tucson, providing the history of the park and tours of the Ranch House Visitor Center.

Compiled and edited by Rosemary Brown, Academy Village Volunteer

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Oct 9: “Amateur Astronomy in Tucson”