Dan Engeljohn, PhD, retired food safety official, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Wednesday, November 29, 2023,
2:30-3:30 pm,
ASA Koffler Great Room and Zoom
One in six Americans succumb to foodborne illness each year (USDA). During the holidays, many of us will cook large quantities of food, set food out for longer periods of time, and maybe try a few new foods as well. You’ll find out the best practices to keep you safe on a daily basis and your guests safe after enjoying a sumptuous holiday meal.
Dr. Engeljohn will discuss foods and practices that contribute most to foodborne illnesses, hospitalizations, and death. Using everyday examples such as making a big pot of hot soup for freezer storage, or how long you can leave that food out on the table before it’s too late to serve again, he will give the audience best practices for safe food handling. In addition, Dr. Engeljohn will discuss food labeling and how to read the labels of processed foods when shopping in order to discern which foods are safe to eat without further cooking versus those that must be thoroughly cooked.
Dr. Engeljohn retired after 40 years working as the head of the food safety policy office at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC. In that office, he was responsible for strategizing how to protect public health from harmful foods and food processing practices. In addition, he oversaw the labeling office, which reviewed labels on all meat, poultry, and processed egg products. After retirement, he moved to Tucson and taught food safety and animal production practices for three years at the University of Arizona.
Now fully retired, he enjoys riding his horse, playing his accordion every Sunday in his church band, and taking ballroom dance lessons.
Compiled and edited by Pam Hennessy, Academy Village Volunteer
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